Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Running in Germany!

Last Thursday I arrived back in Germany for a summer internship.

It took me a few days to get my sleeping schedule back on track. And because I had little else to do during the week while everyone else is at work, I had time to get out there and run!

I am absolutely determined to get back into good shape this summer and cut down on my times by at least 30 seconds a mile. This fall I will run my second trail run- the LA Trail run in Shreveport- a half marathon. Hopefully it will become my new PR!

Plus, outside of work, I don't have too much else to do but get out and enjoy being in Europe. That means taking the time to go running in unusual places in my little region of the Rheinland Pfalz.
Some hoped for runs include:
1.Heidelberg: to explore the city a bit
2. Mannheim: the park on the Rhein
3. Mannheim: along the Neckar
4. Ludwigshafen: Parkinsel!!
5. There's a castle whose name I've forgotten that's on a hill and is surrounded by a park.. I'd like to ask around, figure out where that is and make it a long run one Saturday morning

Additionally, I'd like to keep this blog up! There's a few interesting aspects of running and interacting with others that I'd like to mention. Example: Apparently-as I observed from the poor guy's astonished reaction- one does not wave at bus drivers... Even if one is alone jogger as it's raining and nearing sundown on a curvy road.

There have been one or two joggers and a few more walkers/strollers who were quite cheerful in returning my wave/nod/smile as I jogged by. But there have been many many more confused, scoffing or indifferent looks.

This is just a start!